I'm Not Really The Best Coworker


  1. I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Movie
  2. I'm Not Really The Best Coworkers
  3. I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Meme
  4. I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Song

“I’ve learned a lot from working with you over the years. Warmest congratulations to you, and best wishes for the future!” “It was an honor to work with a coworker who was committed to their success and their coworkers. You deserve nothing but the best!” “We will remember you with warm thoughts and memories. If a female coworker remembers your birthday and she’s not the keeper of the birthday calendar, then she likes you. Once you’re an adult, your friends no longer come to your birthday party bearing gifts to get a free trip to the bouncy house.

Are you closer and closer to checking off items from your retirement bucket list? Congratulations!

I’m feeling really sad and just can’t! You have made this a lovely place to be every day, and I will miss the office terribly — best wishes to you all.” “Today is my last day at Blythe and Anders. I’ve been counting down the days to my retirement so I can start traveling the world but I’m also really sad. Hopefully this is not goodbye, it’s just “see you later”. Enjoy your new job! It’s sad to see you go but you’ve made great memories here. Sending you all the best! Work won’t be the same without you. I’m just a text message away. Enjoy your new role. It was a pleasure working with you. Good luck and farewell!

My other co-worker has met the same frustrations when trying to use this person's code. My boss doesn't often deal with this employee's code, so I'm not sure he knows how bad it is.

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You may be expected to say a few words to your fellow staff members as you embark on your retirement. Maybe you’ve been writing your speech in your head for years, or maybe you have no idea of what to say. Regardless of whether you have a few talking points or not, here are some snippets from goodbye speeches that may inspire you to write your own.

Don’t forget to use your own words when you say goodbye to your coworkers. It’s always better to speak from the heart instead of sounding polished and unemotional.

Tip: Pair your goodbye with small tokens of appreciation for everyone in the office. We like sets of succulents to give out. If it doesn't make sense to buy gifts for each person, try putting out a big snack basket, like this one, on the day of your departure.

Funny Ways to Say Goodbye to Coworkers

You may have quite a few inside jokes if you’ve spent years interacting with your coworkers. This is especially true if you deal with the general public or if a colorful bunch of characters works in your office.

One of the best ways to say goodbye is to refer to funny things that have happened in the office over the years. Here are some general examples.

“One of the saddest things about retiring before tax season begins is that I will no longer be able to work with dear Mrs. Jones. Someone else will have to break it to her that she can’t claim her 14 cats as dependents.”

“Before I tell you about what I will miss about working in this office, let me tell you the things I will gladly leave behind: TPS reports, audits, the jammed printer, the slow elevator, and bad coffee.”

“Whenever I need a laugh, I’ll just think back about all the practical jokes Jim always played on Dwight. Putting Dwight’s stapler in Jello was such a fantastic practical joke. It almost makes me sad to retire, knowing that I will miss the next laugh.”

“I’m not sure if my wife is looking forward to my retirement or not. She read me this quote the other day: ‘When a man retires, his wife gets twice as much husband for half as much money.’ And she didn’t laugh when she read it to me.”

“Please don’t feel that even though I’m retiring, I’m leaving you in a lurch. I know that questions may come up after I go. Feel free to get a hold of me. Just call all the beaches in Mexico and ask to talk with the lady with the daiquiri in her hand.”

» MORE: Creative ways to show someone you're thinking of them

Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Boss When You Retire

Saying farewell to your boss may be difficult, especially if you have had a long professional relationship with the person. Here are some things to say to your boss as you launch your retirement.

“You’ve been the best boss ever. Thank you for all the support you showed me throughout the years. You always encouraged me to learn new skills and grow in the field, whether the business would benefit or not.”

“I remember when you hired me. You asked me how long I planned to stay at this job, and I told you I hoped to retire here. Who would have thought that day would come so quickly? Time flies. Thank you for supporting me for all these years.”

“Even though we didn’t always see eye-to-eye, I always respected you as a leader. You are kind, respectful, and generous. Thank you so much.”

“It’s been an honor and a privilege to work with you for the last 23 years. I think of you not only as a boss but a friend as well.”

“When you love what you do, work doesn’t feel like work. Thank you for making me happy to show up in this office every day for the last two decades.”

“Thank you for gently correcting me every time I made a mistake and moving on like it never happened. It takes a person with real class to interact with employees this way.”

“I feel like Dorothy when she said goodbye to the scarecrow. ‘I think I’ll miss you most of all.’ Thank you for being a great leader.”

Heartfelt Ways to Say Goodbye to Coworkers

It’s incredible how quickly you become close to your coworkers, especially if you work in a hospital, school, or another highly emotive environment. Saying goodbye may be painful. Here are some ways to do it.

“You are the sisters and brothers I never had. Thank you all for making Smith and Jones a great place to work.”

“My family doesn’t understand why I’m so sad to retire. They don’t understand how much I will miss you all.”

“Confucius said, ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ Who knew I would have so much in common with an ancient Chinese philosopher?”

“Jack Kemp once said, ‘There is a kind of victory in good work, no matter how humble.’ Even though we aren’t working to cure cancer, I am proud of the excellent work we have accomplished together. Our work has improved the lives of others, and I am proud of it.”

“It’s incredible how a group of people from such diverse backgrounds worked so closely and well together. We complement each other, and that is something special.”

“I’ve never worked with such a special group of people. Thank you for the last 20 years. I love you all, and I will miss you.”

“It’s not often when a group of coworkers can brighten a person’s life. I have treasured our time together.”

Email Messages to Send on Your Last Day

Depending upon your workplace, there may not be an opportunity to give a speech at the end of your last day. You may have to settle for sending out an email message to your boss and coworkers. Here are some snippets of text you may consider using for your special message.

Play some goodbye songs, fire up your laptop, and write your goodbyes. You may surprise yourself and shed a tear or two.

“Please excuse me for not saying goodbye in person. I’m feeling really sad and just can’t! You have made this a lovely place to be every day, and I will miss the office terribly — best wishes to you all.”

“Today is my last day at Blythe and Anders. I’ve been counting down the days to my retirement so I can start traveling the world but I’m also really sad. I will miss seeing all your smiling faces, and I wish I could smuggle you all in my luggage.”


“My life won’t be the same starting on Monday morning. It will be a hard transition. In fact, I’m sure you all will be the first people that I think about — after I wake up at 10 a.m.”

“You all know how much I love Winnie the Pooh. The creator, A.A. Milne, once said, ‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” I am one of the luckiest women in the world.”

“As much as I am sad to leave you, I am excited to be able to spend more time with my grandkids and kids. After a few weeks of me being around, they may ask me to come back to work to volunteer.”

“William James once said, ‘The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.’ I feel that we have done excellent work in this firm, and we have helped others live their best lives. I’m proud of what we have accomplished together, and I want to thank you all for letting me be a part of your team.”

“I’d love to continue being a part of your lives. Let’s get together for a monthly lunch. My personal cell phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.”

Saying Goodbye

It’s common to feel sad after retirement. Work was probably a big part of your life. You may feel as if something is missing when you quit. Learn how to combat these feelings by reading books on aging.

Take care of a few pieces of business before you become too comfortable with your retirement schedule. First, set up your will and/or trust. Second, start your end-of-life planning. Finally, figure out how you want to serve others so that you can feel like you’re still making a difference during your retirement years.


Being disliked at work can hinder your job and career. See the reasons your co-workers dislike you and how to make yourself more likable.

Employers often like to boast of their team environment and workplace culture, but maybe you’re just not comfortable being all buddy-buddy with your co-workers. Maybe you're more like a competitor on a reality TV show: You didn't come here to make friends. You came here to win. (And by 'win,' you mean do your job, get your paycheck and get home to finish binge-watching 'Wild Wild Country.')

And that's okay. Maybe you don't care if your co-workers like you; however, you should care if they dislike you. Being a quiet loner type won’t necessarily prevent you from contributing and being a part of the team, but being actively dislikable can have a negative impact on your career. After all, the less likable you are, the less likely others are to collaborate with you, volunteer their help when you need it or recommend you for a promotion.

So what makes someone unlikable? We asked experts to share some of the most common reasons someone’s co-workers might dislike them and, more importantly, what they can do to improve.

1. Being a glory-hog.
We all like to get some praise and recognition for our hard work. That’s something everyone – not just you – appreciates.

'If people are only concerned with boosting their own names and careers, act superior to others, or steal someone else's thunder, it's pretty tough to like them,' says Josh Dziabiak, COO of a Texas-based car insurance company.

How to fix it: Be gracious in your success and give credit where credit is due. 'Great team members deflect attention and give credit to their teammates when things go right,' Dziabiak says. 'When there is success, they recognize it's not theirs alone.'

2. Ignoring your own mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes – just ask any motivational poster or educational after-school cartoon. The mistake itself isn’t going to cause anyone to dislike you. But if you handle your mistakes poorly, then they just might.

'Someone who makes a mistake and, rather than fessing up, tries to cover it up or even blame someone else, is going to be disliked,' says Sarah Schewitz, a licensed clinical psychologist.

How to fix it: Allow yourself to be more vulnerable in the workplace by owning up to your mistakes, apologizing for them and, if necessary, asking for help with the solution, Schewitz advises. 'Not only will this increase your likeability, but also your authenticity and integrity in the workplace.'

3. Complaining all the time.
We all gripe about work from time to time. But constantly complaining to your co-workers isn’t going to help anyone – least of all yourself.

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Movie

'We all feel unhappy with our circumstances at times, but a consistent pattern of negativity typically ruins the environment for others and pushes others away,' says Donna Lubrano, adjunct faculty at Northeastern University College of Professional Studies.


I'm Not Really The Best Coworkers

How to fix it: If you're consistently unhappy at your job, it may be time to look for a new one. Identify your biggest complaints, and start looking for other opportunities where those issues won’t be a problem. In the meantime, focus on what you can do to change your current situation. Next time you feel like complaining, try looking for solutions before speaking up. (Or try one of these quick fixes for an instantly happier workday.)

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Meme

4. Being anti-social.
Just because you prefer keeping to yourself doesn’t mean you always should. When it comes to co-workers, a little socializing can go a long way.

'You don't have to be joined at the hip with your co-workers, but those who don't at least make an attempt to participate in some workplace social activities can be seen as isolationist, stuck-up, stuffy or even rude,' says Lubrano.

How to fix it: Make the effort to get to know your colleagues as people. Say 'yes' to the occasional after-work social event or suggest lunch with a colleague. Not only will you be more likable, but research shows bonding with fellow employees can actually make you more engaged and happier at your job.

5. Displaying negative body language.
Just saying the occasional nice thing or exchanging pleasantries with your co-workers may not be enough, particularly if your body language undercuts your words.

'It may surprise you to learn that bad body language can make people unlikeable,' says Carrie Glenn, founder of Etiquette at Hand, a professional etiquette consultancy. Yet, given that the majority of communication is non-verbal, it makes sense that certain behaviors (such as refusing to make eye contact, crossing your hands in front of your chests, slouching, etc.) can make you appear cold and unfriendly, turning others off.

How to fix it: Glenn suggests taking a yoga or ballet class to improve posture or joining a club like Toastmasters (or taking a speech class) to improve the way you present yourself.

6. Disrespecting others' space and time.
While you may not intend for it to be taken personally, being disrespectful of someone’s personal space or wasting someone’s time is often interpreted as a personal affront.

'Bursting into someone's office, invading someone's space, and being loud in an office (especially in an open-floor plan) can all make someone 'unlikeable,' says Chad Daniels, co-founder of buildthefire.com. These behaviors indicate a lack of consideration and respect for others who are trying work.

How to fix it: Don't assume your colleagues can drop everything at your convenience. Remember they have their own responsibilities and priorities that require their attention. Give them a heads up by giving them a call or email and asking if they have a moment to talk, Daniels suggests. Also, be mindful of the volume of your voice and try to meet with others behind closed doors so as not to disturb others.

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Song

7. Gossiping.
People tend to like people they feel they can trust, and gossiping is a quick way to show your co-workers you might not be super trustworthy. Not only that, but a 2015 CareerBuilder survey found gossiping to be among the top behaviors that hurt an employee's chances for promotion.

How to fix it: Aside from not engaging in office gossip yourself, remove yourself from temptation by changing the subject or finding a way to excuse yourself from the conversation.

You may never be liked by everyone – and that's okay – but you can make it so you're not reviled by them, either. You may be surprised by how little effort it takes to make a big impact on your colleagues' opinions of you – and your satisfaction at work as a result.