I have a Macbook Pro 2013, and an iPhone 7 Plus. Since the Mojave update, I’m finding my mail program doesn’t download the mail to my Mac Mail program as it once did. It comes in fine on my iPhone (so I know the server has sent it) and I’ve checked ‘Connection Doctor’ (Under the Window heading on top) and it shows that all is fine. Re-index to fix the Mac Mail folders disappeared problem. If the Email accounts are working, but the mailboxes have disappeared, the second method will probably be of little help. That being said, you can still try it out. On the Apple discussions forum, there are a number of threads about Mac Mail mailboxes disappearing.
Apple Mail is the default email client that comes with every Mac using OS X 10.0 or later. This guide will show you how to configure your Apple Mail application to access email for your Media Temple server.
This article is primarily for Mail version 10.2 on Sierra (OSX 10.12.32). Your version of Apple Mail may vary depending on the version of Mac OSX you are using.
- Additional steps for older versions of Apple Mail that were released prior to Sierra have been included.
Before you start, be sure to have these handy:
- Your domain name: example.com
- Your email address: username@example.com
For more information, please read this article: Creating a POP/IMAP email accountCreating a POP/IMAP email account. - Your email password.
- Your email access domain. The email access domain is completely independent of the web access domain and will look something like this: xxxx-xxxx.accessdomain.com. The 'xxxx-xxxx' string will be a series of randomized letters. This will be totally unique to your specific Grid. Read our article What is an 'Access Domain'? for more information.
This article is provided as a courtesy. Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting third-party applications is outside the scope of support provided by Media Temple. Please take a moment to review the Statement of Support.
Let's begin!
1. Open Mail. If you haven't added a new account yet, you'll be taken directly to the Add Account prompt. If you're adding an additional account, or this prompt doesn't otherwise load automatically, you'll need to select Add Account from the Mail menu.Mac Mail Not Downloading
- Full Name: Your name as you would like it to appear.
- Email Address: Your full email address.
- Password: The password for your email account.
When an autodiscover setting has been unsuccessful, the message 'Unable to verify account name or password' will appear in a new settings box.
5. Fill in the fields using your email info and access domain. If you do not see this box and are using a version of Apple Mail that was released prior to OSX Sierra, skip to 'Additional steps for older versions of apple mail'.
- Email Address: Your full email address.
- User Name: Your full email address.
- Password: The password to your email account.
- Account Type: We strongly recommend connecting via IMAP. To learn more, please see Using Email: How IMAP worksUsing Email: How IMAP works.
- Incoming Mail Server: Your email access domain.
- Outgoing Mail Server: Your email access domain.
Path Prefix: Enter /INBOX here (all capital letters).
Mac Mail Won't Download Attachments
Port: You will want to connect using the correct port based on the settings you have selected.
- IMAP: 143, or 993 if SSL is enabled.
- POP: 110, or 995 if SSL is enabled.
Port: You will want to connect using the correct port based on the settings you have selected.
- SMTP: 587, or 465 if SSL is enabled.
- For incoming mail, we recommend using Port 993 with the Use SSL checkbox selected.
- SSL Checkbox: Check this box if you wish to connect using SSL encryption. This feature is supported by default and you do not need to install an SSL for it to work. Note that you will also need to use an SSL port (above) if you select this option.
You may encounter an Unverified SSL Certificate warning if you have chosen to connect with SSL. This is common if you do not have your own SSL Certificate installed. The Grid does not allow you to install your own SSL on email. To avoid seeing this message in the future, add the existing certificate to your trust settings. The encryption in use IS safe, so you can safely select 'Connect' to continue.
- Authentication: Be sure that Password is selected from the dropdown menu.
- Select your new account from the left hand column.
- Click the 'Advanced' tab and uncheck the box to 'Automatically detect and maintain account settings.'
- Navigate back to the 'Account Information' tab. This time, select Edit SMTP Server List... from the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop-down menu.
- You will be taken to the SMTP server list. Make sure that you have selected the correct email address. Click the Advanced tab and verify the following settings:
- Be sure the box to 'Automatically detect and maintain account settings' is not checked!
- Enter your desired outgoing mail port. Since many ISPs block port 25 (the default outgoing mail port), we strongly suggest using port 587, or port 465 if SSL is enabled.
- Select 'Password' from the Authentication drop-down menu, and make sure the 'Allow insecure authentication' box IS checked. If you don't see this option, you may need to update Apple Mail or Yosemite to the newest version.
That's it! You just configured your Media Temple email address on Apple Mail. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free contact Media Temple's award winning 24/7 support.
OS 10.8.3 - Mail 6.3 - MacBook Pro
Mail is POP in, SMTP out.
Title says it all. 48 hours ago Mail stopped downloading messages. Click Get Mail and the Mail Activity panel (bottom left) states 'Incoming messages 14 of 14', but nothing arrives. Sending works fine.
Mail also continues to work fine on office iMac and personal iPhone (all same email account).
- Is there a preference I could delete to refresh things?
- If not, can I re-load Mail on this machine without affecting things elsewhere?
Connection Doctor says:
MacBook Pro
Posted on Apr 29, 2013 12:13 PM