Coach Mcdonald's Health Class Websiteblog


Creating a website for your health coaching business is a clever marketing strategy as it builds your online presence and acts as a central hub for everything relating to your business including client testimonials, the products and services that your health coaching business offers, and most importantly, your contact details.

Purple Patch Fitness coaching provides a customized training experience for all levels of athlete. We believe in creating training plans that meet the needs and lives of each individual athlete. All of our programs are designed to accommodate your lifestyle needs and to work within your available training hours. Todd Day was inducted as a member of the 2008 class of the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame, and he was one of nine former Razorbacks inducted into the Southwest Conference Hall of Fame in November 2015. 21 22 2 Day is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. Stanley Heath III (born December 17, 1964) is an American basketball coach, and the head coach for the Lakeland Magic of the NBA G League.Heath formerly served as head coach at the University of South Florida, the University of Arkansas and Kent State University, the latter of whom he led to the Elite Eight of the 2002 NCAA Basketball Tournament. Five McDonald's workers in Chicago filed a class action lawsuit against the chain on Tuesday, accusing it of failing to adopt government safety guidance on COVID-19 and endangering employees.

The feel, look and content of your website will depend on where your passions lie and who your target market is.

Here we’ve listed some of the best health coaching websites to inspire you to start your own. Each health coaching website is unique and makes use of trendy color schemes, stunning photography, stylish font styles, and clean layouts to attract their target audience.

  1. Karla Gilbert is a former Ironwoman who is now a mother of two and has transitioned her focus to helping others achieve optimal health and wellness. Karla’s health coaching website reflects her love for the beach with stunning beach photos.
  2. Love Yourself Fit founder Amy Gravenor is a Canadian health coach who focuses on helping women achieve their health goals. She uses a warm and inviting color scheme and a user-friendly platform for her website. What works well on this health coaching website is the client testimonial slider at the bottom of the home page.
  3. Elizabeth Rider is a Board Certified Health Counselor (AADP), wellness coach, business mentor, and successful entrepreneur. Her website uses a fresh and vibrant color scheme with positive language and energizing photos bringing together a professional polished feel.
  4. Katrine van Wyk is the author of Best Green Drinks Ever and her website reflects her passion for fresh greens through her photos, font style and earthy color scheme.
  5. Maria Marlowe is a health coach who focuses on empowering women to lead healthier lives. She is also the author of The Real Food Grocery Guide. Her health coaching website uses bright colors and fun bold artwork which gives it an edgy, modern, attention-grabbing feel.
  6. Eating Bird Food creator Brittany has created an inviting website using pastel colors and attractive foodie photos that are linked to her Instagram account.
  7. Ludos Primal Wellness was developed by Ludovic Roy, a certified Primal Health Coach. His website makes use of an easy to navigate platform and contains picturesque landscape photographs that create a sense of calm and professionalism.
  8. Chisel Training and Health exerts confidence with a perfect mix of modern font and colors and simple catchy phrasing in relatable language. Chisel Training and Health founder, Jasmine Cabrera, is a certified Primal Health Coach. We love the photo of her peacefully taking in the scenery whilst nestled on top of a mountain.
  9. The Ladies That Lift founder Anna Marsh is a weight training specialist and nutritionist who focuses specifically on helping ladies achieve their health and fitness goals. The Ladies That Lift website strikes the perfect balance between strength and femininity with beautiful photos and an apricot color scheme; the perfect combination to attract its target audience.
  10. Mindy Braun is an active mommy as well as a certified Primal Health Coach who is ready to help women and men achieve their health goals. Mindy combines bold font and vibrant photos to produce a warm and inviting feel to her website.
  11. Melissa Ambrosini is the best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, the host of The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, a motivational speaker, an entrepreneur and self-love teacher. Her website is a reflection of her personality as it oozes positivity with energetic photos and inspiring and empowering language.
  12. JillFit creator Jill Coleman has over 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. She has a strong yet feminine presence and this comes across with her website and business ethos, which is filled with positive language, bold fonts and fun-loving images.
  13. Nourish & Lift is my very own health coaching website. I have combined active beach photos with inviting and friendly language, with a bright color scheme to produce a welcoming and friendly feel to my website.

These health coaching business websites each have their own unique feel to them, specifically designed to attract their target market. The best health coaching websites reflect their business brand and are very much an extension of the the founder and their health coaching business.

Now’s the time to start your very own health coaching business website!

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“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

I have learned that the greatest motivation for living healthfully is found in my Spirit – my connection with God. There is an amazing, often untapped, interconnectedness between our physical and spiritual selves. If we focus on our relationship with God and the spiritual lessons we learn, we can redirect the course of our fitness journeys. In other words, by allowing our spiritual walk to support our physical walk, and by realizing how profoundly our physical growth affects our spiritual growth, we embrace a merging of entities that will lead us closer to living a full abundant life, our best life possible.

I have been a Health Coach for more than thirty years and I have found that without God as the main focus—the point—of my health journey, I would soon reach my plateau and burn out. What’s more, as I engage in the constant challenge of maintaining a healthy body, God’s spiritual truths take on new, stronger meanings and applications in my life. I have gone through many, many trials, and I know that my ability to overcome them stemmed from both a physical and spiritual core. That is whole-person wellness at its best—our spirits and bodies working together to make us healthier, holier, and more able to endure. My experience in this profession is what I offer as help during your coaching sessions. I want to help you get started and on your way to living a healthy abundant life. Are you ready to take that next step and get started on your journey to whole person wellness?

Our Coaching Program provides information and ongoing support
about how to improve your lifestyle in relation to:

  • Being Active
  • Healthy Eating
  • Developing Personal Health Goals
  • Creating Action Plans
  • Identifying Problem Areas
  • Creating Solutions for a successful lifestyle change
  • In each Coaching Package You will receive weekly inspiration, encouragement and support. Healthy tips, Exercises, Healthy eating suggestions, and spiritual encouragement in person and online.

We offer Coaching in the following age groups:

  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Kids (9-12)

Getting Started:

Success Stories

I have lost over 115 pounds so far this year, going from a size 28 to a size 14 in about 10 months, thanks in large part to the Shaped By Faith group fitness classes. The dietary changes I have also made have definitely helped me shed the pounds quickly, but I credit the strength training, cardio, and Pilates I do in class for drastically changing my body composition, increasing muscle mass, and improving my strength, flexibility, and endurance. I can honestly say I had never really enjoyed Pilates until I began attending Theresa’s classes regularly. I also love the combination of faith and fitness and the prayer and devotion before and during every class.

Coach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Blog Template

Theresa is a great instructor and is always prepared with a modification or a progression and encourages everyone to work at their own level. I love feeling like I am free to change things as I need or want to in order to make my workout work better for me. And the variety of exercises and the appropriate pacing of each class ensure that the classes are never boring. You will never do the exact same workout twice. I can’t say enough great things about Shaped By Faith group fitness classes and Theresa Rowe!

A little over 4 years ago I started my weight loss journey. After a year of walking and some jogging, a friend recommended Total Body Challenge at Owensboro Christian Church. After a lot of fear and anxiety I decided to attend a class. I wasn’t prepared for this new experience. I had convinced myself that a class like this just wasn’t for me. I
just expected in this group setting, everyone would be watching the new person. I was expecting everyone to be staring at me, but instead it was the complete opposite. There were so many welcoming faces, it blew my mind! It was so much fun! I was struggling personally with my faith, but each time I went to the Total Body class I felt closer to God. The words Theresa would speak made me feel like I was the only one in the room. She always had a way of saying what I needed to hear at just the right time. It gave me strength to try new things, stepping out of my comfort zone and meeting new people. Without that first step, the leap of FAITH, I truly don’t know if I would be here, 170 lbs lighter, and stronger than I ever have been. I can do all in Christ who strengthens me! My body and heart has truly been shaped by faith.


Tania Laney

Her workouts challenge every area of the body to the extreme and you always finish knowing
more about the One True God and what His Word says. To be in the presence of Theresa Rowe is to be in a ray of sunshine. She is a bright light making a difference in her home, her ministry and her community.
Her workouts challenge every area of the body to the extreme and you always finish knowing more about the One True God and what His Word says. To be in the presence of Theresa Rowe is to be in a ray of sunshine. She is a bright light making a difference in her home, her ministry and her community.

Debbie Fasig

I love the encouragement and scriptures provided by Theresa during Total Body as she reminds each of us to honor God with what we are doing. It is truly a blessing for me and my family to continue exercising with her in such a way that I feel we will have the strength to endure what is ahead. Thank you Theresa!
I love the encouragement and scriptures provided by Theresa during Total Body as she reminds each of us to honor God with what we are doing. It is truly a blessing for me and my family to continue exercising with her in such a way that I feel we will have the strength to endure what is ahead. Thank you Theresa!

Donna Rea

This morning, after an 'aha' moment, I found this magazine on top of a stack being taken downstairs to recycle, opened to your article. I once again read it and truly felt that this time I think I can stick with my program by using you as my 'soul trainer'. I look forward to continuing to read through your website and learning more that it's not so much important to push yourself as to be consistent, making this my 1st priority in the morning to start my day.
This morning, after an 'aha' moment, I found this magazine on top of a stack being taken downstairs to recycle, opened to your article. I once again read it and truly felt that this time I think I can stick with my program by using you as my 'soul trainer'. I look forward to continuing to read through your website and learning more that it's not so much important to push yourself as to be consistent, making this my 1st priority in the morning to start my day.

Joyce Rios

Theresa, I'd like to say 'thank you!!!' for helping me work out today! I felt this workout (only did the upper today) was perfect for me to start with. It got me moving, it wasn't too difficult, but I admit I stopped at one point (but picked right back up when you switched to the next arm)...AND I was 'wiped out' after! I am so glad that I found this dvd today in my collection dvd's (don't feel bad- I hadn't been using any of them! lol) God bless you and thank you again! I also appreciate your gentle spirit and love for the Lord.
Theresa, I'd like to say 'thank you!!!' for helping me work out today! I felt this workout (only did the upper today) was perfect for me to start with. It got me moving, it wasn't too difficult, but I admit I stopped at one point (but picked right back up when you switched to the next arm)...AND I was 'wiped out' after! I am so glad that I found this dvd today in my collection dvd's (don't feel bad- I hadn't been using any of them! lol) God bless you and thank you again! I also appreciate your gentle spirit and love for the Lord.

Kathy Watson

Theresa I'm reading your book and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share. I have been overweight and depressed for sometime but always was a 'good starter' but never a finisher of anything like diet and exercise. Now that I'm reading your book I feel hopefully that I can make healthier choices. I'm working on my posture. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for allowing the Lord to use you to touch my life.

Coach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Blog Templates

Theresa I'm reading your book and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share. I have been overweight and depressed for sometime but always was a 'good starter' but never a finisher of anything like diet and exercise. Now that I'm reading your book I feel hopefully that I can make healthier choices. I'm working on my posture. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for allowing the Lord to use you to touch my life.


What a blessing to find your site and your ministry! I am a Pastor's wife from good old Kentucky living in South Dakota and ministering to a small mission church. I was looking for some sort of Faith based exercise, since I am a mommy who is sorely out of shape, and I found your site! I saw that your ministry was based in KY, so I thought I would write. God bless you and your work and keep Him first in everything you do!! Thank you!!
Coach McdonaldWhat a blessing to find your site and your ministry! I am a Pastor's wife from good old Kentucky living in South Dakota and ministering to a small mission church. I was looking for some sort of Faith based exercise, since I am a mommy who is sorely out of shape, and I found your site! I saw that your ministry was based in KY, so I thought I would write. God bless you and your work and keep Him first in everything you do!! Thank you!!

Natalee L Little

Coach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Blogs

I have just started reading your book Shaped by Faith. In chapter 6 - transform, there is the example of a tadpole to a frog. F.R.O.G. - means 'Forever Rely on God'. Sounds like you have done exactly that. I have some health issues, fighting diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. My husband had bought this book, for what reason I do not know, but I am glad he did. Thanks ahead of time for the journey I am about to take. God is my co-pilot.
I have just started reading your book Shaped by Faith. In chapter 6 - transform, there is the example of a tadpole to a frog. F.R.O.G. - means 'Forever Rely on God'. Sounds like you have done exactly that. I have some health issues, fighting diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. My husband had bought this book, for what reason I do not know, but I am glad he did. Thanks ahead of time for the journey I am about to take. God is my co-pilot.

Jessica Green

Coach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Blog Builder

Hello! I currently take your Total Body Challenge at OCC and was signed up 6 weeks ago by a friend for the fitness aspect. While I enjoy the class and the fitness I was in a much greater need for the spiritual uplift and faith formation, then I realized. You have made a tremendous impact on me and my well being. Thank you for everything you have given to me and shared with me you are a wonderful, amazing person and my life has changed termendously because of you, your class, your wisdom, your words and God!
Hello! I currently take your Total Body Challenge at OCC and was signed up 6 weeks ago by a friend for the fitness aspect. While I enjoy the class and the fitness I was in a much greater need for the spiritual uplift and faith formation, then I realized. You have made a tremendous impact on me and my well being. Thank you for everything you have given to me and shared with me you are a wonderful, amazing person and my life has changed termendously because of you, your class, your wisdom, your words and God!