Dhcp Server For Macos


MacOS X comes with DHCP server out of the box, but it is not enabled by default. The server, which is called bootpd in MacOS X, serves as DHCP server and BOOTP server. However, if you just need to enable DHCP server on your MacOS X, it is very easy. Question: Q: Setting up Mac OS X as a DHCP server I want to be able to sit on a plane and connect my Raspberry Pi to My Mac on a private local network for software development on the Pi. I have tried to follow this to set it up but failed (my ip address was still an unassigned one). MacOS Server has a DHCP server and other services, but none of them actually share the mac's internet connection in any way, nor can they be used to control or add those features to the native macOS's internet sharing feature mentioned above.

MacOS X comes with DHCP server out of the box, but it is not enabled by default. The server, which is called bootpd in MacOS X, serves as DHCP server and BOOTP server. However, if you just need to enable DHCP server on your MacOS X, it is very easy.

  1. You need to create bootpd configuration file which is contains DHCP server configuration. The bootpd configurations are stored in /etc/bootpd.plist file and this file is nothing by default. More information about how to write DHCP server configuration on this file, you may see bootpd man page.
    Jacques Fortier has made one bootpd.plist for DHCP server configuration file ready to use on his blog. Use his file, edit to suit your requirements, and save it to /etc folder.
  2. Start the server using the following command:
  3. Stopping the server is also very similar, just change load with unload like the following command:

If you are an expert in shell script, you may put both command in a single executable shell script using some arguments. You do not need to download DHCP server in order to make a DHCP server on MacOS X. It is ready out-of-the-box unloaded, waiting for you to load it.

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If you want to determine the IP address of the DHCP server from which a Mac OS X system received its IP address, subnet mask, etc., you can obtain that information from a command-line interface (CLI), i.e., a Terminal window by using the command ipconfig getpacketinterface where interface is the relevant networkinterface, which will usually be en0 or en1.You can issue the command ifconfig -a in a Terminalwindow to see the network interfaces on the system and which haveIP addresses assigned to them.

getpacket interface-name
Prints to standard output the DHCP/BOOTP packet that theclient accepted from the DHCP/BOOTP server. This command isuseful to check what the server provided, and whether thevalues are sensible. This command outputs nothing ifDHCP/BOOTP is not active on the interface, or the attempt toacquire an IP address was unsuccessful.

When you issue the command, you will see output similar to that shownbelow:

Dhcp Server For Macbook Pro

Dhcp server macos catalina

Some of the values displayed include the following:

yiaddr:The IP address assigned to the specified network interface on the systemfrom which the command was issued.
server_identifier (ip):The DHCP server's IP address.
chaddr:The Media Access Control (MAC) address associated with the specified network interface.
subnet_mask (ip):The subnet mask.
router (ip_mult):The router to which network packets destined for systems outside thesubnet should be sent, aka, the gateway address.
lease_time (uint32):The lease time in seconds as a hexadecimal value. You can convert the hexadecimal value to a decimal value using ahexadecimalto decimal converter. In the example above hex 15180 equals decimal 86400, which is 1 day, since there are 86,400 seconds in a day.

You can also use the ipconfig's getoption parameter to getspecific values individually.

Dhcp Server For Macos 10.13

getoption interface-name (option-name | option-code)
Prints the BOOTP/DHCP option with the given name or optioncode integer value. See bootpd(8) for option code names. Ifan option has multiple values e.g. domain_name_server, onlythe first value is printed.

Dhcp Server Macos Catalina

E.g., the commands below get the DHCP serverIP address, the router's IP address, the subnet mask, and the domain nameserver's IP address. In this case the router is also functioning as the DHCP server and DNS server. You can also get the lease time in seconds and thedomain name, if one has been assigned, though in the example belownone has been assigned. The value below of 86,400 seconds for the lease timemeans the lease of the IP address is good for 1 day, since86400 / 24 / 60 / 60 = 1. When the lease time expires, a system has to querythe DHCP server again for an IP address and associated information. It mayget the same IP address again.