Game 6: June 27, 2014the Initials Game


Game 6: june 27 2014 the initials game on sunday

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Initials: J.P.
Host: Cory Cove
Players: Chris Hawkey, Paul Lambert, AJ Mansour

1Jim Parsons(stumped)Paul Lambert (BF)
2Joe PaternoChris Hawkey3
3Jeff ProbstChris Hawkey
4Julius PeppersPaul Lambert
5Jason PriestleyPaul LambertChris Hawkey (BF)
6Jabari PricePaul Lambert2
7Joe PesciChris Hawkey2
8Joe PerryChris Hawkey
9Jackson Pollock(stumped)
10Jason PominvilleChris HawkeyPaul Lambert
11Jimmy PagePaul Lambert3
12Joaquin PhoenixAJ Mansour3
1Chris Hawkey51111
2Paul Lambert42111
3AJ Mansour11

Game 6: June 27 2014 The Initials Games

Notes & Quotes
The show blew off Lynx coach Cheryl Reeve, who was calling from Arizona, to play the game. (They made it up to her and had her on during the next segment.)

Game 6: June 27 2014 The Initials Game On Christmas Day

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