How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business


In addition to beefing up your company page with visually engaging content, consider setting a Facebook advertising budget for your company that would allow you to: boost your posts to a larger audience, or; create and share ads with target audience members to gain likes. Advertising on Facebook is a fairly easy process. You choose a budget for. Since running Dynamic Facebook Ads, Kristi Argylian, Senior Vice President at Target claims they have seen a 20% increase in conversions compared to other Facebook ads. How to Set Up a Dynamic Ad. Go into your Power Editor and select Promote a Product Catalog as your objective. Select your product catalog and click Continue. Running a Facebook Ad is an easy way to get your page in front of a new relevant audience. Using Facebook’s targeting features you can create an ad that reaches people with certain characteristics like age and location. You can also use Facebook’s Custom Audiences feature to upload your email list and reach your existing contacts. Facebook is the largest social network online and it can be a great way to keep in touch with existing customers and to reach new customers. Promoting your business on Facebook can vary substantially depending upon your industry, but here are some basics: Create a Facebook business page with your contact information and a CTA. With 1.3 billion people currently using the app, Facebook Messenger ads open up a new opportunity for companies. In this post, we’ll show you how to promote your business on Facebook with Messenger Ads to drive online traffic, engage your target audience, and increase revenue. Facebook currently offers three different types of Messenger ads.

  1. How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Cards
  2. How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Analytics
  3. How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Bureau
  4. How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Email
We may receive compensation from some partners and advertisers whose products appear here. That’s how we make money. Compensation may impact where products are placed on our site, but editorial opinions, scores, and reviews are independent from the advertising side of The Blueprint and our objectivity is an integral part of who we are. Our commitment to you is complete honesty: we will never allow advertisers to influence our opinion of products that appear on this site.

As a business with a Facebook page, you have easy access to a powerful advertising engine. Learn to advertise by following these simple steps.

Social media has transformed the ways in which businesses of all types and sizes network with their customers and clients. Although we might not typically think of interacting with construction companies in the same place we post cute pictures of our dogs or share statuses about a fabulous weekend at the beach, Facebook is a valuable marketing tool even for the construction industry.

In order for commercial construction companies to take full advantage of the growing importance social media plays in our society, they need to understand how to use it to promote their business. Facebook in particular is an ideal social network for construction companies to jump on given its versatility for content publication, the large number of users, and the connections it offers to other businesses.

How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Cards

5 Steps to Marketing your Business on Facebook

Discover what Facebook can do for your online marketing.


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1. Create a Company Page

First things first, establish a branded presence on Facebook. If your construction company does not already have its own company page, you can easily create one by clicking on the “Create Page” button here. It’s free to create an account and to post to it, so why not?

Start by choosing which category your business falls into and work from there. As a company in the construction industry, your business is likely to be categorized as either a “Local Business” or as a “Company.”

Quick Tip

If you choose the “Company, Organization, or Institution” option, you’ll find the category appropriate for your business by scrolling down the alphabetical list to “Engineering/Construction.”

2. Build a Following


Once you’ve set up your company page with an eye-catching cover photo and a profile picture that reflects your company (your logo is usually a solid choice), you’re ready for step 2: establishing an audience base.

In order to build your following, start by inviting your current customers to like your page. You could send them an email with a link to your page or even connect with them directly through Facebook by:

  • clicking on the “Share” button in the navigation under the cover image for your company page. You can share the page on your own Timeline or on a friend’s Timeline.
  • clicking on the ellipsis (…) button near the top right of the page in the cover photo are and selecting to “Invite Friends” the page.

How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Analytics


Additionally, encourage your employees to share the company page through their personal Facebook account to gain more Likes. Consider Following and Liking other businesses in your industry on Facebook as well to get a feel for your competition and see what sort of content they post and share. As a commercial construction company, following other businesses on Facebook that may need your services one day could be useful as well. If you reach out to them, they may reach out to you whether they’re in need of a remodeling job or an expansion of their current business.

How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Bureau

Quick Tip

Don’t spend too much time worrying about the number of Likes or Follows your page is receiving. Focus your energy on connecting with key customers and supporters of your business to help grow it in a genuine way.

3. Create and Share Stimulating Content

While your expertise may lie in creating quality buildings, creating valuable and quality content for your Facebook account is a very important step in the promotion process. But don’t let this intimidate you! You’re already doing great things as a business that people are interested in; you just need to capture those things in shareable ways and post!

Content Examples for Construction Companies to Post on Facebook

  • Share photos of your projects as they transform (before and after project pics).
  • Post pictures of satisfied customers in their newly constructed environment.
  • Brag about awards and recognitions your company has received.
  • Post visuals exemplifying the services you offer.
  • Upload videos of a finished project showcasing your skills as a construction firm.
  • Link to press releases or project updates on your website or company blog.
  • Feature a construction worker of the week to add a personal touch to your business.
  • Countdown to the grand opening of a client’s business.
  • Introduce new (or old) members of your team.
  • Pose questions to encourage potential customers to learn more about your company.

4. Advertise on Facebook

In addition to beefing up your company page with visually engaging content, consider setting a Facebook advertising budget for your company that would allow you to:

How To Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Page And Business Email

  • boost your posts to a larger audience, or
  • create and share ads with target audience members to gain likes.

Advertising on Facebook is a fairly easy process. You choose a budget for however much you want to spend on the ad and set how long you want the ad to run. Your ad will stop running after the entire budget has been used or at the end of the campaign date, whichever comes first. If you notice your advertisement is doing well, you can increase the budget and extend the campaign period. If you see that it’s not doing so well, you can change the budget, update the Facebook ad with a better headline or image, or stop the ad from running at any time.

Although Facebook only requires you to spend a minimum of $1 per day on Facebook advertising, bidding this low will make it hard to attain visibility for your campaign since you’ll use up your budget while only reaching a handful of people.


Facebook wants their users to have an enjoyable experience while on the site, so they limit how many ads people are exposed to. Because of this, you must go through a bidding process for your ad. This process is either done by cost per click (CPC) or cost per 1,000 ad views (CPM). According to an article on, “the average click costs advertisers $0.24 and the average CPM cost $0.66.” In other words, spending $24 dollars would get you 100 clicks on the advertisement or get the advertisement shown 36,364 times. Keep in mind that these costs can change drastically depending on:

  • they type of business you have (industry).
  • the size of your business (small local business vs. national corporation).

Side Note

While targeting your audience on Facebook as a small local business may seem easy to do based on city location or zip code, remember you are competing for the same audience members as other local businesses on top of the national advertisers. That being said, even if you spend a decent amount on your Facebook advertising, there’s a good chance other businesses are trying to reach the same audience members as you are with their advertisements.

Also remember that larger businesses likely have bigger budgets to test the performance of their ads and optimize them for better reception, so they may get more clicks and likes than your small business ad that hasn’t been tested for optimal engagement.

5. Evaluate Your Impact

Some people think of measuring the success of your Facebook presence as the last step in the social media marketing process. While this can be true, the process is very cyclical, meaning evaluating the success of a past campaign can be the start of creating a new campaign.

The purpose of evaluating your impact is so you can do better at promoting your construction company in the future. Figure out what strategies worked well, what type of content your followers responded to best, and then apply that knowledge to the approach you take for your next Facebook endeavor.

For more help getting started with promoting your business through social media, download our free Intro to Facebook E-Book.

Keep the ball rollin’.

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